DCC Bible Institute is a school with a difference, a school of the Spirit. This internationally recognised Institute is not limited to the teaching of dry theology but also teaches the current move of the Holy Ghost. Students are prepared for full time ministry through not only theoretical lessons but through, outreach programmes, practical ministry and mission trips. In addition, there are various short-term courses. These cater for those just starting their walk with Christ or for those desiring to improve their knowledge of the Bible and be prepared for future leadership opportunities in the church.

If you're interested in one of the following:

Undergraduate ProgrammeShepherd School of Ministry or R.E.A.P courses, 

please download the DCCBI 2014 catalogue which contains all course details.



Joseph Business School

The Joseph Business School (JBS) is a school affiliated to Bill Winston Ministries that is soon to be opened at DCC Bible Institute. JBS aims to equip, educate and empower people to prosper in whatever they do, using biblical principles. The goal is to raise successful entrepreneurs and business people in the church, community and country, creating jobs and prosperity for marginalised people.



Lectures will be held weekly and are scheduled to start mid-2014. MBA graduate lecturers have completed special courses in Chicago.



DCC Computer School

The DCC Computer School will be run by DCCBI and aims to educate members of DCC and the community on the basics of computers and computer programmes such as MS WORD, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.



There is a Basic Level and  a Higher Level of courses offered at the school. Lectures are during the week and the average class will be 20-25 students.



Monday to Friday  8am – 1pm.


Office hours: 

Monday - Wednesday 08:00 - 13:00 & 18:00 - 21:00

Thursday 08:00 - 16:00  

Friday  08:00 - 13:00

Contact us

Telephone: 031 242 5001

Email: dccbibleinstitute@dcc-admin.co.za

Social meadia: Facebook

Dr. Steve Anderson handing over our accreditation to our founder, Dr Fred Roberts and Senior Pastor, John Torrens.

Dr. Steve Anderson handing over our accreditation to our founder, Dr Fred Roberts and Senior Pastor, John Torrens.

As a Bible College, this institution's vision is to equip men and women to fulfill their God given purpose and calling in life, leadership and service whether that is in ministry or in business. Because our focus is Christian education we have selected an accrediting agency that does not place restrictions on our Spirit filled program curriculum and instructor qualifications.


This institution is accredited by Transworld Accrediting Commission International. Serving the Christian education community for nearly 30 years, Transworld is a federally recognized, non-profit church educational organization whose philosophy is to demonstrate accountability to the consuming public for education obtained in non-traditional evangelical

education institutions.

Overseeing more than 400 member institutions, including schools, seminaries, universities, colleges and institutes both in the United States and internationally, Transworld provides documented evidence of compliance with standards of structure and governance, material resources, policies, faculty and curriculum.


Address: 9085 California Avenue, Riverside, California 92508  

Website: www.transworldaccrediting.com