“...For He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’” Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)
Did you know that God never created us to be lonely?
When God created us, He created us for fellowship and to be in families. And it is in such settings that we are loved and accepted.
One thing that I have come to learn in this life is that, as human beings, we all want to be loved and accepted.
That is a fact!
Sadly, though, even in family settings, loneliness can sometimes be a problem.
And the problem usually lies in the fact that we have rejected God and chosen to live life without Him.
Without God and without the love of His Son, Jesus Christ, it is virtually impossible NOT to experience loneliness.
And that is because we possess a human nature that is interwoven with many frailties, weaknesses and inconsistencies.
And because of that, we let each other down.
It’s just how it is.
I want you to know that, sooner or later and in some way or other, I will let you down.
And so, too, will you.
It’s just how it is.
And with that “letting down” feeling there often comes rejection, betrayal and a sense of abandonment.
This will eventually lead to a feeling of loneliness if not dealt with.
Loneliness is the number one reason why many turn to alcohol, drugs, and a reckless lifestyle, often resulting in depression and even suicide.
But, the good news is that you don’t have to be lonely.
God’s promise to you and me is that “He will never leave you nor forsake you.”
In other words, when everyone else, because of their frail natures, disappoints you and lets you down, God never will.
You can always depend on Him to be there for you.
That’s so comforting and reassuring isn’t it?
But, what’s even more amazing is that, even during those times when you have missed the mark and miserably failed Him, He will still be there for you.
You ask why?
Simply because of His relentless love for humanity.
If you are lonely and without God, why not open your heart and invite Him into your life?
Let the love and forgiveness of Jesus overwhelm every part of your life.
I guarantee that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are loved and that He will never leave you nor forsake you.
That’s because He is your “never-forsaking” God!