Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied- 1 Samuel 17:45 (NKJV).
We all probably know the story of David and Goliath and how the young shepherd boy who was to become king, killed the giant. It’s one of the great events of the Old Testament, but it has a very real lesson for us today. We all have our giants that threaten us from time to time.
It may be a giant of sickness, or financial lack, or a family breakdown that threatens you, but you can slay your giant. When David ran out onto the battlefield all he had was a sling and five stones that were no match against the heavily armoured Goliath.
But David had something more powerful than any earthly weapon; he came in the “name of the Lord”.
And that’s the way to face our giants – in the name of Jesus and with the Word of God in our mouths. But to slay our giants we need to spend time in God’s presence and time reading and meditating on the promises of God. Don’t find yourself on the battlefield of life empty handed in the spiritual sense.
But be prepared to confront your giant with the name of Jesus on your lips and faith in the authority of God’s Word that every foe must bow its knee, whether sickness, lack or any other giant that may confront you and me.