But a generous man devises generous things, And by generosity he shall stand.
Isaiah 32:8 (NKJV)
What an amazing scripture!
If you are generous, then you will always be willing and ready to minister in the area of generosity and liberality.
You will always be eager and excited about tithing and about sowing into areas where there is a need.
Your heart will overflow with the desire to give and bless others and you will always be attracted to where there is a need to sow.
Sadly, many of God’s precious people manifest the exact opposite.
And because of that, they reap lack and insufficiency in so many areas of their lives.
And tragically, this is to their detriment.
But this Scripture says that when your generosity becomes a lifestyle and an attitude that flows from a willing heart, you set up for yourself and family, a stronghold of blessing and prosperity over your life. As a result you will be unaffected by the “ups” and “downs” of life.
Remember, that as God’s beloved, we are not governed or controlled by the economy of the world.
We are, however, governed by the economy of Heaven and the last time I checked there was no recession, unemployment, lack or poverty in Heaven!
As I have been saying in this series, God is a God of blessing and He so wants to bless you more than you can ever imagine.
Actually, the heart of generosity is the lifestyle of those who live like Jesus and share His love.
After all, we want to be like Jesus, right?
This Scripture says the following about Him in 1 John 4:17 (NKJV),
“Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world.”
In other words, as Jesus was and is, so are we.
And Jesus manifested the heart of generosity and so as He is so, too, are we! This is our heart and our faith!
This is what distinguishes us from the stingy and mean spirit that is in the world.
I believe that the same grace of liberality and generosity that was on the Macedonian churches ought also to be on our churches.
As a church, we have purposed that the Durban Christian Centre can and will make a difference, by demonstrating the heart of generosity, in our hopeless and broken world.
If our preaching and teaching and everything else we do, can impact and make a difference, then why not our generosity as well?
Since the inception of our church, our founders, Dr. Fred and Nellie Roberts, not only practiced generosity, but also encouraged us to demonstrate it.
And over the many years of our existence, we have been so privileged to have sown into other ministries and charity organisations.
I can also mention that our greatest miracles and moments of amazing breakthroughs were in times when it was financially difficult to sow.
But we obeyed the voice of the Lord and sowed nonetheless.
And boy oh boy, were we pleasantly surprised, each and every time!
You see, the reward will always far exceed sacrificial giving.
And for that reason, I can honestly tell you that we not only plan to continue to sow and be a blessing, but to also double our efforts of generosity.
You say why?
Because it is the heart of Jesus!
And as He is, so too are we.
I purpose to live a lifestyle of liberality and generosity because as Jesus is so too am I.