God’s Presence

God’s Presence

It is a fact that every person carries a presence which really is the very essence of that person.

And with that presence, that person is able to impact and influence the lives of others either in a negative or positive way.

But, as individuals, we were created with a spirit enabling us to also sense and discern different types of presences and spiritual atmospheres.

And it truly is wonderful when we have the opportunity to be in the presence of people that we love and cherish, like family and friends as well as prominent, influential and famous people.

On the other hand it is not so great when you sense the presence of evil.

The type of presence that you allow into your life will ultimately determine and shape your outcome and destiny in life.

For example, when we spend lengthy times in the presence of critical and judgemental people, we find ourselves developing a very critical and judgemental attitude to life.

On the other hand, when we spend lengthy periods in the presence of faith-filled people whose words continually edify, comfort and exhort, we will find ourselves developing a very positive and faith-filled attitude towards life.

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather find myself in the latter company as opposed to the former atmosphere.

I’m all for anything and everything that will help build and increase my faith in God and cause me to speak words of life over every area of my life!

I’m sure you are too.

When we speak about the presence, it is important to know that we are not just speaking about any presence.

Actually today, I would like to talk to you about the personal, real life-changing presence of a very real and living God who abides and dwells in us.

God’s presence firstly is omnipresent. This means that God exists everywhere and there is not a single place where He is not present.

Jeremiah 23:24 (NKJV)

Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.

But even though God is omnipresent, He can also choose to manifest Himself sovereignly in a localised place.

This is exactly how God chose to manifest Himself to Adam and Eve in the Garden.

Genesis 3:8 tells us, “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.”

God’s tangible presence was localised in the Garden and Adam fellowshipped and communed with God while being clothed with the presence of Almighty God!

But I also believe that as much as God is omnipresent and that He chooses to manifest Himself sovereignly in a localised area that He also desires to manifest Himself personally to His people.

David enjoyed a personal encounter with the presence of God.

This he developed while sitting in the hills of Jerusalem and tending to his sheep. He would worship the Lord on his harp and so cultivated moments of intimacy with God that made him deeply aware of the presence of God.

This is what enabled David to be anointed and to gain victory in every area of his life. It is no wonder that he was able to defeat the bear, the lion and Goliath.

You and I were created to live in and abide in the presence of God.

This is not only our place of refuge but also our place of strength.

And as long as we stay and abide each and every day in that place, everything will be just fine.


I was created for Your presence Lord, and in that place is fullness of joy.