Qualified to Run!

Qualified to Run!

Do you not know that in a race all the runners compete, but [only] one receives the prize? So run [your race] that you may lay hold [of the prize] and make it yours (1 Corinthians 9:24 AMP)

It is true; the Bible does compare the Christian life to a race.

Today, I would like to draw your attention to some important things when running Gods race:

 1. We each have our own race to run.

 The moment we are born again by the Spirit of God, we qualify to run this race. And this is a race set and appointed by God that nobody else but YOU can run.

 2. This race is not to the swift.

This race is by no means a short 100m sprint. Rather it is a grueling long distance race that requires endurance and perseverance.

3. This is not a private race.

The Greek word for race in Hebrews 12:1 is stadion, which is where we get the word stadium.

And running the race of faith puts us right in the middle of the arena where people see our faith - see our struggles, and watch to see how we handle our hardships and whether or not we will win our battles.

The important thing about this public race, is that it has the potential and power to influence and change many lives.

So, we run in such a way that it will draw those on the side line to join the race.

4. Run so as to win.

Run this race so that you may win the prize, in other words, go for the gold.

What I mean by that is that if you are going to serve the Lord, then serve the Lord well.

If you are going to worship Him, then give it all youve got and worship Him.

I dont know why people always want to hold out on God and serve Him half-heartedly.

I know that when I was in the world, I partied hard and I also drank hard. I gave the world my best.

And now that Im in Gods family, Im going to go big for God, Im going to give Him my best and I am going to run to win!

5. Never, ever, look back.

No one drives a car looking in the rear view mirror. Likewise you cannot run looking back.

Looking forward means I remain focused and purposed on the mission that God has assigned for me in this faith race.

6. Dont stop until you cross the line.

Once you commit to running this race, you run until you cross the line.

The only way to accomplish that is to take one day at a time and then realise that each and every day is going to be a day with Jesus.

As long as you and I are still wrapped up in this body of flesh, we will face various temptations, trials and tribulations.

Friend, I realised long ago that my triumph as a believer was dependent on my spending time with Jesus and His Word every single day of my life.

So, because of that, everyday with Jesus is a day of triumph.

And it is a lot harder to stop running the race if you are winning more days than you are losing!


Through the blood and name of Jesus, I am qualified to run Gods race and I run to win, never looking back, but always looking forward to the upward call and prize of God in Christ Jesus.