The Heavens are open

The Heavens are open

My dear friends, I want to declare to you today that the heavens are open!

And, what’s more it has always been in the heart of God for you and me to experience an “open” heaven over our lives!

From the very beginning when He created everything, God’s heart was for the earth to experience ALL of heaven.

Genesis 1:1 (NKJV), tells us that “in the beginning God created the heavens AND the earth.”

That whatever was in heaven was to also be on earth.

This meant that God intended for the “openness” of heaven to be experienced by all on earth.

I do believe that, before his fall, Adam experienced an “open” heaven in the Garden of Eden.

Adam enjoyed an intimate and close relationship with God and all that God was and is was made available to Adam.

This is because God’s heart has always been for you and me to experience an “open” heaven.

Jesus echoes the heart of the Father, when He teaches His disciples how to pray;

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10 NKJV).

And when Jesus dies on the cross, the very first thing that happens is that the veil of the temple is rent from top to bottom. (Matthew 27:51 NKJV).

The veil, which once separated the Holy of Holies from the Most Holy Place, was now “open” and what was once reserved for the High Priest and restricted to a “once a year phenomenon,” was made available to all, 365 days a year!

This is the heart of God for you and me, that we experience an “open heaven” over our lives, every single day.

You see, the rent veil was and still is God’s “yes” to you and me today.

In opening the heavens, God has made available to us the realm of heaven, right here on this earth even while we are still wrapped up in our flesh bodies.

An “open” heaven means that ALL that God is, is made available to you and me.

Whew, that is pretty mind-boggling to say the least!

But then again, we serve a pretty mind-boggling God, don’t we?

His thoughts and ways are far above ours and He is a God that desires us to experience the supernaturalness of an “open” heaven.

And because of that, God is ready and willing to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that you may think or even imagine!

Are you ready to experience an “open” heaven today?

I know I am!



“I am living under an open heaven. The rent veil is proof of this and it was and still is Gods YES to me.”