The Year of Multiplied Fruitfulness!

The Year of Multiplied Fruitfulness!

Well, 2015 has come and gone and 2016, “The Year of Multiplied Fruitfulness” is now upon us!

As usual, we begin our year with 21 days of praying and fasting, a decision that I firmly believe will set God’s divine course for us, for the entire year.

There are amazing benefits and rewards that you will enjoy when you pray and fast these 21 days.

From a physical standpoint, your body will be cleansed from all toxins and poisons that could ordinarily produce life threatening diseases. It has been medically stated, that most ailments can be treated and eliminated just by engaging in a simple fast.

From a spiritual standpoint, a 21 day fast will allow you to reach beyond the realm of prayer alone and position you for the greatest release of His supernatural power in your life!

This year, we have targeted three areas, one for each week with relevant scriptures for each day of the week, based upon the

Scripture found in Numbers 13:23, all of which can be downloaded from our website:

            1. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit

            2. Abounding in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit

            3. Demonstrating the Gifts of the Spirit

Joy and I would like to invite you to join us and the pastoral staff and congregation of the Durban Christian Centre on these incredible 21 days of praying and fasting.

There are many types of fasts mentioned in the Bible and we would ask that you prayerfully consider which one you will follow.

We know that as you make this commitment with your family, that we will corporately experience the fullness of the life of His blessed Holy Spirit and that 2016 will truly be “The Year of Multiplied Fruitfulness” for you.