Miracles are for You

Did you know, that it is the privilege and right of every born again believer, to not only believe in the promises of God, but to also receive each and every one of those promises now.

You and I were born again to be “believers” and “receivers!”

Jesus paid the ultimate price on the cross and it cost Him His blood and His life to secure for us the benefits of His atoning work.

Friends, let’s not wait for the storms of life to come our way before we exercise our faith to believe Him for miracles.

Instead let’s press in and contend for His miracles.

You may not see them with your natural eyes, but I tell you they are there and they have your name written on them.

The Bible is a book that is jammed packed with miracles.

And if God did miracles way back then, then it means He is still doing miracles today because He is, “the same yesterday, today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NKJV)

As we walk through this life, God desires for each and every one of our needs to collide with His miracle working power.

And right now, He is waiting on you.